Jamil Kharrat, M.Sc.

Jamil Kharrat, M.Sc.

Jamil Kharrat, M.Sc.

Research Area:

Investigation of the effect of gas routing on the design of the fuel cell stack.


Information on the current course "Design of Fuel Cell Systems (AvB)" can be found here.

Bachelor- / Master Thesis:

Current bachelor and master thesis topics can be found here.

Job advertisements / HiWi positions:

Current job advertisements / HiWi positions can be found here.

Abgeschlossene Bachelor-/ Masterarbeiten
Titel Forschungsthema Typ Bearbeitung
PEMFC Masterarbeit Abgeschlossen
PEMFC - Brennstoffzellentechnologie Bachelorarbeit Abgeschlossen
PEMFC - Brennstoffzellentechnologie Masterarbeit Abgeschlossen