It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Translated Quote of Albert Einstein, The World As I See It
In its mission statement for study and teaching, the KIT is committed to scientific and research-oriented teaching.
The IPEK - Institute for Product Engineering offers the following project-oriented courses in the field of "Research-based Learning".
The brochure "Research-oriented Teaching" is available as a pdf download.
Apply and experience teamwork and methods in a real-world product development project. Intensive support in lectures and workshops with a maximum of 42 participants.
Information on Integrated Product Development
Students learn to design devices and develop construction strategies based on real-world industry examples. A wide variety of hand-guided sample devices in which the engineering disciplines are combined play a central role.
Information on the Master's course
Link_moreImpressions from the course and the accompanying project work
In the Winter Term 2015/16 course Mechatronic Systems and Products, a video was created in cooperation with the KIT Press Office. The video displays some impressions from the lecture and the accompanying project work.
The engineering task of the course comprises two cooperating robot systems. Students work on those in small groups. In order to solve the task, the mechatronic systems must be modelled virtually, and the subsystems must be validated by prototypes at an early stage. In the end, the systems manufactured with laser cutters and fishing technology components will be compared at a competition.
Information on the teaching concept
Wir am IPEK – Institut für Produktentwicklung unterstützen die Ausbildung von Naturwissenschaft und Technik-Lehramtsstudierenden. Unser Ziel ist, die angehenden Lehrkräfte so zu qualifizieren, dass sie die Begeisterung für technische Fragestellungen und Berufe bei Schülerinnen und Schülern frühzeitig wecken und gezielt fördern können. Dazu haben wir das Lehr-Lern-Labor NwT: Technik erleben und vermitteln entwickelt. Dieses wird im folgenden Video vorgestellt:
GEARE is a cooperation between the KIT and the Universities of Purdue (USA) and Shanghai (China) with the aim to enable students to participate in research stays abroad.
Information on the Geare Program
Link_moreDouble Master Tonji
Since 2014, there is a double master's degree course in automotive engineering. It offers master's students from China and Germany the opportunity to study at the respective partner university for a period of three semesters. Upon successful completion of their studies, students receive a Master's certificate from the KIT as well as a Master's certificate from the Tongji University in Shanghai.
Information on the Double Master Program
Link_moreThe IPEK participates in the HECTOR School of Engineering and Management with the tailor-made further education programme "Management of Product Development". The HECTOR School is named after Dr. h. c. Hans-Werner Hector, co-founder of the software company SAP.