Important information
Winter term 2024/25:
- Courses are planned to take place on campus and in person.
- Please pay attention to the announcements of the KIT and the Presidium.
additional information:
- Study programs MACH, MatWerk,
- WIWI study
(as of 05.12.2024).
Teaching at the institute pursues a holistic approach to convey product development skills to the students. The goal of the scientific education of an engineer at a university is to teach the competence of independently finding solutions to new questions in the field of mechanical engineering.
This is achieved through independent accompanied learning in a scientific research environment. The IPEK - Institute of Product Engineering offers this environment and guidance for the students on the path of skill development through highly structured teaching modules which build upon one another and are supported by modern didactic means.
We regard our students as customers and partners. We offer them a modern learning environment adapted to today's industrial working environment.
We understand our task as teachers in the sense of a committed coaching to help the students individually on their way. In teaching, we are expressly committed to the goal of performance and we want to specifically demand and promote special commitment and ability of students.
We are open to the evaluation of our courses by students and external persons. Our aim is to make a significant contribution to building up the competence of future managers in the field of mechanical engineering.
Teaching and studies in product development
Karlsruhe teaching model for product development - KaLeP The consistent training system is oriented towards real development processes. |
Apart from the Bachelor and Master degree, the IPEK - Institute for product engineering is engaged in several areas.
The IPEK - Institute for product engineering offers a wide selection of courses, dissertations and exams. |
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A CAD training is part of the MLK degree for mechanical engineers. Class materials are on ILIAS. |
Our IPEK-Model Library makes it possible for students to get in touch with real life systems. Information are offered on a webapp. |
Have firsthand contact with the institute staff. Please meet them during their office hours! |
Aufgrund des Karlsruher Lehrmodell für Produktentwicklung (KaLeP) gewann die Fakultät für Maschinenbau des KIT den 1. VDMA-Hochschulpreis "Bestes Maschinenhaus 2013"
IPEK Lehre Höhepunkte
Das IPEK - Institut für Produktentwicklung bietet den Studierenden viele Möglichkeiten berufsrelevante Kompetenzen zu entwickeln.
Angebote im Bachelor und Master
Das IPEK - Institut für Produktentwicklung bietet eine breite Palette an Lehrveranstaltungen.