Jonas Hemmerich, M. Sc.

Jonas Hemmerich, M. Sc.

Jonas Hemmerich, M. Sc.

Field of Research

  • Circular economy in product development

Research Focus

  • Functional modeling for mapping relations between design parameters and system behavior
  • Quantification and prediction of instance-individual function fulfillment 

Bachelor- / Mastertheses

  • I am always open to your own ideas. If you are interested in writing a thesis or working as a student assistant, please send me an application including a transcript of records.  
  • Current topics are test bench design, system analysis, multi-body simulation and modeling.
  • Available bachelor- and master-theses can be found here.


  • An overview of the publications can be found at ResearchGate.


Requirements for utilizing student projects as validation environment for design methods and collecting research data
Wittig, C.; Zimmerer, C.; Hemmerich, J.; Matthiesen, S.
2024. Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024), 12th-13th September 2024, Bamberg, 125–134, The Design Society. doi:10.35199/dfx2024.13
Data pipelines for product function prediction in circular factories
Hemmerich, J.; Dörr, L.; Wittig, C.; Grauberger, P.; Meyer, A.; Matthiesen, S.
2024. 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024), Bamberg 12th-13th September 2024. Proceedings, 105–114, The Design Society. doi:10.35199/dfx2024.11