M.Sc. Johannes Müller
- office hours: by appointment
- room: Raum 804, Geb. 10.23
- johannes mueller ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Academic employee
Lead of Research Group Design Methods and Design Management
Location Building 10.23 (Mechanical Engineering Tower)
M.Sc. Johannes Müller
Fields of research
Methods and processes of ASD - Agile Systems Design
Introduction of agile and structuring elements into the development process according to the situation and requirements
ASE - Advanced Systems Engineering
Synergetic implementation of agile and systems engineering practices
Measurability of process improvements
Bachelor- / Mastertheses
Available bachelor- and master-theses can be found here.
Access Logics for Situation-Appropriate Selection and Introduction of Methods in Engineering Design
Ammersdörfer, T.; Müller, J.; Heimicke, J.; Reichardt, H.; Rapp, S.; Inkermann, D.; Albers, A.
2022. The Design Society 2022 – Proceedings of NordDesign 2022, 10 S., The Design Society. doi:10.35199/NORDDESIGN2022.26
Ammersdörfer, T.; Müller, J.; Heimicke, J.; Reichardt, H.; Rapp, S.; Inkermann, D.; Albers, A.
2022. The Design Society 2022 – Proceedings of NordDesign 2022, 10 S., The Design Society. doi:10.35199/NORDDESIGN2022.26