Hall of Fame

For an academic researcher at the Institute of Product Engineering, gaining a PhD marks the conclusion of several years work in a special field of research. Former members of IPEK who are now putting into practice what they have learned at the institute are presented on this page.

Completed doctorates
Candidate Portrait Topic Awarded a PhD on
Quentin Lohmeyer
Person-focussed modelling of product development systems with particular regard to synthesis and analysis of dynamic systems of objectives 11.01.2013
Michael Birkhold
Objectifying comfort and functional assessment as methods to support the development of restart systems in parallel hybrid drive systems 22.02.2013
Gerhard Robens
An operation system to scale the simulated passing-by-method using the microphone array technique for an efficient validation in small hemi-anechoic rooms in the vehicle development process 28.02.2013
Benoit Lorentz
An approach to investigate the influences on surface roughness with lubricated and dry contacts using the Finite Element Method 28.05.2013
Jens Schröter
The advanced X-in-the-Loop-Framework to fully integrate optimisation procedures in the product development process exemplified by the development of energy efficient vehicles 17.06.2013
Aaron Wiedner
A field study to identify the behaviour patterns practised by engineers in the function-embodiment-synthesis 25.06.2013
Ein gesamtsystemischer Ansatz zur simulationsgestützten Analyse und Optimierung eines Bohrhammerschlagwerkes 26.07.2018
Development of friction systems using the example of a wet-running multi-disc clutch 28.02.2017
Efficient screening of the tribological suitability potential of alternative material pairs for the use in tribological contacts of axial piston machines as a contribution to the product development process. 12.01.2017
Embodiment design and effect relationship-based description of failure mechanisms for a more effective and efficient identification, analysis and traceability of failure consequences and causes 16.04.2019
Erweiterte Anwendungsfallmodellierung (e-AFM) – Ein Beitrag zur nutzerzentrierten Entwicklung von Power-Tools 26.11.2018
Ein Beitrag zur Validierung nasslaufender Lamellen- pakete aus Anfahrelementen von Fahrzeugen im Betriebszustand „geregelter Dauerschlupf 21.02.2020
Beitrag zu rechnergestützten Methoden zur Leichtbaupotenzialerkennung in der Produktgenera-tionsentwicklung – Erkennung potenzieller Integral- und Differenzialbauweisen 10.04.2019
Methode zur Entwicklung merkmalsbasierter Zustandsüberwachungssysteme mittels der Körperschallmesstechnik 09.03.2020
Realitätsnahe und reproduzierbare Randbedingungen in der Vibrationsanalyse - Ein Ersatzuntergrund für elektropneumatische Bohrhämmer 30.10.2019
A contribution to the exploitation of the potential of system architecture models by methodical linkage to computational models 10.05.2024
Modelling a system of objectives for the interdisciplinary product development 30.04.2015
Ontologies to validate products based on the Contact & Channel approach (C&C²-A) 30.06.2014
Bild Matthias Eisenmann
Validation Navigator – a referenceprocess for validation studies on effects of design methods Band 26.09.2022
Bild Yannick Fischer
Bild Michael Steck
Frühe funktionale Absicherung in der Antriebstrangentwicklung – Ein Ansatz zur Einbindung von skalierten Teilsystemen durch physisch-virtuelle Leistungsskalierung 05.10.2022
Antriebsstrangprüfstände zur Ableitung von Konstruktionszielgrößen in der Produktentwicklung handgehaltener Power-Tools 20.03.2019
Bild von Tassilo Schröder
Investigation of the rotational vibration response of human hand-arm systems in the context of user-centered product development 21.03.2024
Systematic for Modelling & Measuring the System of Objectives Maturity Level to Improve the Product Maturity Level in the Early Stage of PGE – Product Generation Engineering 17.02.2023
EDiT - Enabling Distributed Teams: A method for identifying and exploiting improvement potentials in distributed product development 13.12.2022
Bild von Arn Jörger
A numerical approach for the scale transfer of parameters for the description of friction properties in bearing and friction ystems 28.01.2025
A Methodology for Technical Change Management in Wire Harness Development Using the Model of SGE – System Generation Engineering 17.12.2024
Bild von Manuel Bopp
A Contribution to Design and Integration of Vibroacoustic Metamaterials in Complex Components using the Example of Housing Structures 29.11.2023
Bild von Matthias Dörr
Erfassung von Informationen zur Produktnutzung beim Schleifen mit Power-Tools auf Basis von Daten eines Sensormoduls 19.06.2023
Bild Thomas Klotz
Bild von David Landes
A Contribution for an Efficient and Early Stage Prognosis of the Influence of Sub-Systems of the Drive System and the Chassis on the Exterior Noise of Vehicles 16.03.2022
Analyse der Schwingungseigenschaften des menschlichen Hand-Arm-Systems in translatorischer Richtung und deren Abbildung in einem einstellbaren physischen Hand-Arm-Modell 06.03.2023
Validation Method for the Reversible Short-term Effects of Vibration on the Fuel Cell Performance in Fuel Cell Vehicles Based on In-situ Tests in the Context of the IPEK-X-in-the-Loop-Framework 28.02.2023
Innovation Coaching to promote agility in processes of ASD - Agile Systems Design. 06.04.2023
MBSE-supported methods for Structuring and Application of Modular Kits in the Early Stages of PGE – Product Generation Engineering of Mechatronic Control Units in Small Drives in the Automotive Sector 23.02.2023
Methoden des maschinellen Lernens in der Funktionsentwicklung von hybriden Fahrzeuggetrieben am Beispiel des Doppelkupplungsgetriebes 11.12.2024
Structural Change in the Automotive Industry: Guideline for the Strategy Process in medium-sized Companies with a Methodology for asset-based Business Unit Development 23.01.2025
Methods of initial target system development to support the handling of market uncertainties in the development of plant fire protection in the model of PGE - product generation development. 27.03.2023
Bild von Moritz Wäschle
Ein Beitrag zur durchgängigen und kontinuierlichen Validierung für die Funktionale Sicherheit von Vehicle-to-Infrastructure als System of Systems durch MBSE-Unterstützung auf Basis des IPEK-XiL-Ansatzes 31.05.2024
Bild Patric Grauberger
EnhanCE Modelling – method training for teaching and researching qualitative modelling with the Contact and Channel Approach 28.03.2022
Integration of engineering ceramic materials in the function-relevant effective area pair of a clutch 26.01.2005
Clutch grabbings – causes, influences, countermeasures 13.11.2003
Prototype of a continuously variable transmission (CVT) for the potential calculation of engineering ceramic materials in lubricated friction systems 13.07.2007
A contribution to assess objectively as well as subjectively the steering comfort of vehicles 28.04.2009
Investigation to optimise helical compression springs 21.05.2004
A contribution for developing, dimensioning and checking of dry-running clutches and brakes in powertrain systems in order to avoid friction oscillations 25.05.2009
New material and lubricant concepts for radial plain bearings – experimental determination and application limits 12.08.2000
Model-based methods for the validation phase in the product development process of mechatronic systems exemplified by the powertrain development 21.02.2006
Development of a method for investigating selfloosening of wheel bolts – a combined stressed, high-tensile multi-screw bolted joint 27.11.2024
Investigating the suitability of a new procedure to produce hydrogen using silicon for the use in vehicles 16.05.2003
A methodology to support the search and choice of partners for cooperative projects on product innovation 15.07.2002
A contribution to increase the road safety and functionality of vehicles by incorporating the powertrain module MOTion X-ACT 05.02.2002
Investigation on temperature and heat dissipation behaviour of a dry single disc clutch 17.10.2008
A computer-aided concept of mechanic parts with strongly dispersive supporting structures exemplified by primary shaping of heavy-duty micromechanical systems 23.04.2010
Development of a system tribometer to show transient multi-axis stress collectives to analyse the friction and abrasion in mixed frictional areas in the context of wet-running wrapping-CVT 29.05.2009
Analysis and optimisation methods for aggregate storage system to improve the driving comfort 10.11.2006
Development of complex mechatronic systems by example of a modular linear drive system 16.12.2004
Design of the draft processes in the overall automotive research 25.07.2001
Micro-specific product development process (µPEP) for tool-specific micro technologies 25.04.2005
A contribution for a better understanding of the model for the product development – structuring of systems of objectives using the Contact & Channel-Model (C&C-M) 10.06.2009
Characteristic values and performance limits of wet-running multidisc clutches during continuous slip operation 06.10.2005
Method and processes to develop friction systems with engineers ceramics exemplified by a dry-running vehicle clutch 30.10.2009
Modelling the comfort assessment through the customer’s perspective by example of the automatic start-up 29.04.2005
Development of measuring, control and regulatory devices, for a tyre test rig to carry out real-life measuring procedures in real time 20.07.2001
Determining tyre characteristics during real-life driving 10.12.2002
Transmission behaviour of wheel suspension for passenger cars in the comfort-relevant frequency range. Simulation model, experimental investigations, and concepts for a test facility 09.07.2002
A contribution to synthesis of technical systems on the basis of the Contact & Channel Model C&CM 28.11.2008
Development of a concept and of a prototype for a computer-aided tool for the efficient employment of the problem solving methodology “SPALTEN” 25.07.2006
Holistic modelling of the product development process – from mental concepts to the workflow with handling of complex structures – as a contribution to the Integrated Product Engineering Model (iPeM) 25.02.2008
Elastohydrodynamic rolling friction in steel-ceramic-contacts Drauber was granted an award for his dissertation 01.07.2001
Development of system-based component optimisation to support integrated analysis methods in the product development process 14.07.2005
Integral powertrain development through integration of simulation and test 25.07.2000
Development of a method to objectify the subjectively perceived quality of switching gears with confirmation in vehicles with manual transmission 16.12.2009
Measurement of forces and movements of profiled tyres in the contact area on a drum test rig during real-life velocities 07.02.2002
A contribution to shaping the human perception of comfort and assessment of NVH-properties in the powertrain development on the basis of artificial neural networks 01.02.2010
Open Innovation in the context of integrated product development strategies to enhance the R&D productivity 09.01.2009
Concepts to validate geometrical properties of micro gears and micro gear tooth systems 17.12.2007
The parallel powertrain transmission – a modified dual clutch transmission with improved recovery potential 18.10.200
Significance, presentation and formulation of function for solving design problems when using the C&C approach 03.12.2010
Creativity in the product development and pattern as methodological tool 08.12.2009
Three-dimensional simulation of dynamic of roller bearings 03.02.2003
Methodological development of highly integrated mechatronic systems exemplified by a humanoid robot 18.09.2007
Development of a FEM-based method to design reinforcing beads in the construction process for supporting structures under bending stress 09.12.2004
Methodological development of model-based monitoring functions of mechatronic systems in automotive engineering by example of an electro-mechanic wheel brake actuator 30.01.2004
Method to optimise of motor durability programmes as part of the validation processes on the basis of equally damaging substitution collectives exemplified by the AI-Si-cylinder head 22.07.2010
A new process to optimise the form of dynamically stressed components in mechanical without parameters, but on the basis of lifetime evaluations and hybrid multi-body systems 25.11.2005
Optimisation based on robustness for mechanical systems with wide dispersion of relevant system and element sizes. 05.11.2009
Development of a simulation-based method to support the design of heavy-duty Primary Shaping of Microsystems 17.03.2008
Rough surfaces in lubricated tribocontacts 01.07.2008
Optimising the topology of mechanic parts in dynamic and regulated systems 06.11.2009
A computer-aided method to determine the product architecture with integrated regard to function and design 24.06.2010
Methodical support of the definition of initial system of objectives in automotive develepoment in the model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering 30.04.2019
An approach to investigate surface roughness influence on the running-in behaviour of mixed-lubricated sliding contacts using the finite element method 16.08.2019
Eine Methode zur Auswahl von Standgetrieben für Antriebsstränge von Elektrofahrzeugen mit Zentralantrieb 19.12.2019
Helmut Scherer
Model-based methods for developing systems of objectives and the function-embodiment-relation to support the series development of modular kits exemplified by hybrid-drive train systems 15.07.2016
Toan Nguyen
Optimising the variety of lubricants to enhance energy efficiency of hydrodynamic friction bearings using structure-borne noise analysis 17.07.2013
Integration of experiment data into the simulation to optimise technical systems on the basis of experiments, time efficiency and multiple objectives 29.11.2013
A study for validation in the product development by example of the development of a new investigation method for Squeeze Film Damper 14.06.2014
A method for efficient and effective support of continuous validation in the context of PGE product generation development. 30.01.2017
Eine Methode zur optischen Messung der Federbewegung in Torsionsdämpfersystemen 28.02.2019
Development of an FEM-based method to production-based bead pattern designs for support structures under bending stress 24.11.2014
A method to objectify the target figure Energy Efficiency for the definition of a product profile in the context of Design to Energy Efficiency 28.11.2014
Development of hybrid drive systems on the basis of the pull-principle of validation and the IPEK-X-in-the-Loop-approach 23.06.2016
Network creativity – A person-orientated design and the integration of a community platform for innovative impulses 23.06.2015
Sandra Drechsler
Competency requirements of mechanical engineers with regard to directives, norms and standards for the exercise of their professional activities 26.06.2016
A contribution to the development of coupling systems for validation in the context of the X-in-the-Loop framework using the example of a switching robot 24.07.2017
Product Portfolio-spanning Specifying of Product Functions within Sports Car Development in the Model of PGE Product Generation Engineering 09.02.2022
Analyse des Einflusses von Querkräften beim Hammerbohren auf die Arbeitsproduktivität und die Schwingungseinwirkung auf den Menschen 09.02.2022
Multi-objective optimization of plug-in hybrid powertrains / Multizieloptimierung von plug-in Hybridantriebssträngen 13.02.2019
Synthesis-oriented analysis of technical systems in product development – a contribution to properly measure analytical processes during the design process using eye-tracking, for a better understanding of these processes 26.06.2017
christian sander
A new process for the product development to optimise the topology of moving components with particular regard to the inertial force 28.05.2014
A contribution to the validation of drive systems with regard to fluctuations induced by the clutch or the motor 11.03.2015
Significance of practical knowledge in the product development and approaches to evaluate and transfer it by example of student groups 17.06.2014
A contribution to integrate wikis and social tagging in the product development 02.02.2012
Method-based development of an electric energy storage system to explore the potential of lightweight design as a contribution to Product Generation Engineering 30.11.2015
Guideline for the deductive embodiment variation by determining the functional variables in the Product Generation Engineering 03.06.2015
Bild Jan Berger
Betrachtung der Abbildung und des Einflusses von Restsystemen bei Zweimassenschwungrad-Komponentenuntersuchungen im Kontext des OPEK-X-in-the-Loop-Ansatzes 24.06.2021
Model-based support of product development 17.12.2013
Friedrich Brezger
New methods to further develop hybrid drive trains to enhance energy efficiency 17.10.2013
Methode zur objektivierten Komfortbeurteilung antriebsstranginduzierter Fahrzeugschwingungen am Fahrzeug-Rollenprüfstand  
Bild Martin Eisele
Entwicklungsbegleitende Validierungsumgebung für das Design von Kühlkonzepten in der frühen Phase der Batteriemodulentwicklung 02.07.21
Florian Eppler
Development of Methods to Design a Robust Anti-Judder Control Using the Example of Vehicles Featuring a Dry Double Clutch 25.07.2018
Development of a high-voltage traction battery as a product generation 1 – Variation-induced validation and verification planning in the model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering 15.09.2021
Entwicklungsmethode zur Mechatronisierung von bautechnisch bewerteten Befestigungsmitteln am Beispiel eines chemischen Befestigungsmittels zur Integration eines Verschiebungssensors 18.11.2021
Analyse und Modellierung der Zusammenhänge zwischen der Tragfähigkeit und den Gewindeparametern von Holzschrauben durch die Entwicklung von Analysetechniken 22.11.2021
Study of the confirmation bias during problem analysis in engineering design and evaluation of a methodical support 29.09.2021
Bild Martin Bochterle
Methodenbausteine für die empirische Modellierung des Verhaltens technischer Systeme im Rahmen der Produktentwicklung auf Basis linearer Regression 25.04.2022
Bild von Frank Bremer
Derivation of Success Factors for Quantitative Modelling of Embodiment Function Relations in Embodiment Design - A Case Study on Involute Blades 30.05.2022
Bild von Markus Döllken
Development and evaluation of the ACAP-analysis method for the process-based validation of textual and graphical design methods 15.11.2023
Development of a Systematic Approach for the Foresighted and Data-driven Development of Display and Operating Concepts in the Early Phase in the Model of SGE - System Generation Engineering 29.08.2024
Bild von Constatin Mandel
Entwicklung einer Model-Based Systems Engineering Methodik zur Unterstützung der Validierung im Produktentstehungsprozess 17.05.2024
Bild Jan-Michael Veith
Prädiktion der Belastungskenngrößen von Bauteilen eines Fahrzeugantriebstrangs in Kurzzeitfestigkeitstests auf der Basis von Referenzmessdaten 01.04.2022
Bild Miriam Wilmsen
Approach for the development of target-process module sets for the instantiation and configuration of target-process suggestions in the automotive predevelopment 01.04.2022
A contribution to a more efficient validation of the application of dual clutch transmissions in the context of the IPEK-X-in-the-Loop approach 27.06.2023
A topology optimization method for the synthesis of additively manufactured, stiffness-optimized product designs exemplified by SLM – Selective Laser Melting 13.11.2024
Potentials of the acoustic emission (AE) analysis to characterise dry-running friction systems 02.07.2012
Promotion Kernstock
A contribution to the targeted reduction of the NVH phenomenon Gear Rattling during the complete vehicle development process exemplified by a dual clutch transmission 03.05.2012
Potentials of temperature distribution measurement for the analysis of dry-running friction systems based on new measurement technology 18.12.2017
End-to-end documentation of distributed target systems in product development by using semantic meta information using the example of Connected Car 18.12.2017
Erfassung heterogener passiver Anwendereigenschaften und deren Abbildung in einem einstellbaren Hand-Arm-Modell am Beispiel eines Impulsschraubers 24.09.2019
Future-Oriented Product Development – a Systematic Approach to Deriving Cross-Generational Systems of Objectives of Future Product Generations Through Strategic Foresight 23.04.2021
A Framework for Design Support Development based on the integrated Product Engineering Model iPeM 15.05.2014
Preview during the product development process The Integrated Product Engineering Model (iPeM) as a reference for projections exemplified by the Scenario-Technique and strategic foresight 13.10.2014
Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung auf der Grundlage heuristischer Entscheidungen in der Produktentwicklung und im Innovationsmanagement  
Development of a method to objectify the subject perception of vehicle oscillations caused by the powertrain 19.10.2011
Modelling of the temperature behaviour and experimental investigations of the influence of the friction lining geometry on the friction coefficient behaviour using the example of dry-running friction systems 20.07.2015
Optimising of long-fire-reinforced structures while taking into account the dispersive properties and the robustness of the material 30.11.2015
Developing a new method to determine and verify the parameters for heat transfer in CFD simulations of dry clutch systems 16.12.2015
Modelling of the driver behavior to determine the component load for automotive powertrains 01.02.2016
Model Based Systems Engineering to support modular development in the context of the early phase of product generation development Group: EMM 01.04.2016
Hessenauer Benjamin
Different approaches to the methodical lightweight system design supported by the numeric topology optimisation through dynamic stress 27.03.2014
Variant development in the ZHO model in the context of PGE - Product generation development - Method for decision support during concept development in the offer phase based on derived variants 24.07.2017
Reinforcement Learning Framework for the self-learning suppression of Clutch Judder in automotive Drive Trains 26.04.2016
Bastian Killer
KVP-cooperation in the vehicle development, assessment and successful implementation of OEM-intern improvements into other OEMs on the basis of Integrated Product Engineering Model (iPeM) 07.05.2013
Hannes Schmalenbach
Ontologies to provide design knowledge exemplified by engineering ceramics 27.07.2013
An approach to user-orientated system modelling for the interdisciplinary product engineering process 3.11.216
Systematics for Evaluation of Variants in the Quotation Phase of Common-Rail Pumps of the Automotive Supplier Industry on the Basis on the Model of PGE - Product Generation Engineering 31.03.2021
A methodical approach to modular design of powertrain components in the development process of hybrid vehicles 16.04.2015
A contribution to the efficient use of Reinforcement Learning to control non-linear systems exemplified by a twin-axle robot 18.11.2011
Methode zur interdisziplinären Analyse und Optimierung von Hinterachssystemen im Spannungsfeld Fahrdynamik, Fahrkomfort und NVH am Beispiel der Raumlenkerachse und des Teilsystems Fahrschemellager im Kontext XiL 13.06.2018
Construction barriers in the microsystems technology and ways to overcome them using the functions catalogue 19.10.2012
Bild Rene Germann
Ein Beitrag zur störgrößenreduzierten Erfassung und Beurteilung der Anwendungseignung im Kontext der nutzerzentrierten Produktentwicklung von Power-Tools 18.07.2019
Development of Systems of Objectives in Early Product Engineering 25.05.2011
Method to create problem solving models on the basis of the SPALTEN-process in complex development processes 02.11.2012
Approaches to increase the acceptance of methods in agile processes of PGE – Product Generation Engineering 16.07.2018
Optimising the contact behaviour of electrical contacts in high power connectors 15.03.2015
Contribution to empirically based planning, control and methodological support of variations on the basis of a reference system in the model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering 14.04.2021
Development of an Approach for the Validation of Interactive Products in Augmented Reality Environments in the Early Phase in the Model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering 16.12.2020
Methode zur generationsübergreifenden NVH-Optimierung des Wiederstartkomforts von Hybridfahrzeugen durch eine manöverbasierte Validierung auf dem Akustikrollenprüfstand 24.07.2019
Bild Markus Schottmüller
Ein Ansatz zur dynamischen Charakterisierung und Bewertung von nichtlinearen Schwingungssystemen anhand des Beispiels Fliehkraftpendel 23.06.2021
A Methodology for the Modeling of Robust Partial Objective Systems for Weight in the Automotive Industry 20.01.2021
Sebastian Thau
A contribution to analysing of technical systems with the C&C²-approach on the basis of development projects in the industrial environment 25.06.2013
A contribution to create complex structurally dynamic simulation models and their validation using 3D Laser Vibrometry 25.11.2011
Potentials of Acoustic Emission (AE) analysis to monitor and diagnose tribological systems 25.03.2011
Bild Andreas Wettstein
Analyse und Simulation tangential-schlagender Anziehprozesse Ein tribologisches Simulationsmodell zur Beschreibung von Schraubenanziehverfahren 14.06.2021
Vernetzte Validierungsumgebungen - Ein Beitrag zur Validierung im verteilten Produktentwicklungsumfeld auf Basis des IPEK-X-in-the-Loop-Ansatzes am Beispiel der Antriebssystementwicklung  
A study on the implementation of the IPEK-X-in-the-loop approach in distributed vehicle development using powertrain development as an example 13.12.2017
Christian Zingel
Base definition for a common language in product development in the context of model design of technical systems and a modelling technique for a system of objectives 18.10.2013