Hall of Fame
For an academic researcher at the Institute of Product Engineering, gaining a PhD marks the conclusion of several years work in a special field of research. Former members of IPEK who are now putting into practice what they have learned at the institute are presented on this page.
Candidate | Portrait | Topic | Awarded a PhD on |
Dr.-Ing. Quentin Lohmeyer | Person-focussed modelling of product development systems with particular regard to synthesis and analysis of dynamic systems of objectives | 11.01.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Michael Birkhold | Objectifying comfort and functional assessment as methods to support the development of restart systems in parallel hybrid drive systems | 22.02.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Robens | An operation system to scale the simulated passing-by-method using the microphone array technique for an efficient validation in small hemi-anechoic rooms in the vehicle development process | 28.02.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Benoit Lorentz | An approach to investigate the influences on surface roughness with lubricated and dry contacts using the Finite Element Method | 28.05.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jens Schröter | The advanced X-in-the-Loop-Framework to fully integrate optimisation procedures in the product development process exemplified by the development of energy efficient vehicles | 17.06.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Aaron Wiedner | A field study to identify the behaviour patterns practised by engineers in the function-embodiment-synthesis | 25.06.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Schäfer | Ein gesamtsystemischer Ansatz zur simulationsgestützten Analyse und Optimierung eines Bohrhammerschlagwerkes | 26.07.2018 | |
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Bernhardt | Development of friction systems using the example of a wet-running multi-disc clutch | 28.02.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Markus Blust | Efficient screening of the tribological suitability potential of alternative material pairs for the use in tribological contacts of axial piston machines as a contribution to the product development process. | 12.01.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Bartosz Gladysz | Embodiment design and effect relationship-based description of failure mechanisms for a more effective and efficient identification, analysis and traceability of failure consequences and causes | 16.04.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schmidt | Erweiterte Anwendungsfallmodellierung (e-AFM) – Ein Beitrag zur nutzerzentrierten Entwicklung von Power-Tools | 26.11.2018 | |
Dr.-Ing. Michael Basiewicz | Ein Beitrag zur Validierung nasslaufender Lamellen- pakete aus Anfahrelementen von Fahrzeugen im Betriebszustand „geregelter Dauerschlupf | 21.02.2020 | |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schmid | Beitrag zu rechnergestützten Methoden zur Leichtbaupotenzialerkennung in der Produktgenera-tionsentwicklung – Erkennung potenzieller Integral- und Differenzialbauweisen | 10.04.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Knut Wantzen | Methode zur Entwicklung merkmalsbasierter Zustandsüberwachungssysteme mittels der Körperschallmesstechnik | 09.03.2020 | |
Dr.-Ing. Tim Bruchmüller | Realitätsnahe und reproduzierbare Randbedingungen in der Vibrationsanalyse - Ein Ersatzuntergrund für elektropneumatische Bohrhämmer | 30.10.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Aline Radimersky | A contribution to the exploitation of the potential of system architecture models by methodical linkage to computational models | 10.05.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Björn Ebel | Modelling a system of objectives for the interdisciplinary product development | 30.04.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jan Fischer | |||
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Freudenmann | Ontologies to validate products based on the Contact & Channel approach (C&C²-A) | 30.06.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Eisenmann | Validation Navigator – a referenceprocess for validation studies on effects of design methods Band | 26.09.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jannick Fischer | |||
Dr.-Ing. Michael Steck | Frühe funktionale Absicherung in der Antriebstrangentwicklung – Ein Ansatz zur Einbindung von skalierten Teilsystemen durch physisch-virtuelle Leistungsskalierung | 05.10.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Gwosch | Antriebsstrangprüfstände zur Ableitung von Konstruktionszielgrößen in der Produktentwicklung handgehaltener Power-Tools | 20.03.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Tassilo Schröder | Investigation of the rotational vibration response of human hand-arm systems in the context of user-centered product development | 21.03.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Thilo Richter | Systematic for Modelling & Measuring the System of Objectives Maturity Level to Improve the Product Maturity Level in the Early Stage of PGE – Product Generation Engineering | 17.02.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Katharina Dühr | EDiT - Enabling Distributed Teams: A method for identifying and exploiting improvement potentials in distributed product development | 13.12.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Stürmlinger | |||
Dr.-Ing. Kai Wolter | |||
Dr.-Ing. Arn Jörger | A numerical approach for the scale transfer of parameters for the description of friction properties in bearing and friction ystems | 28.01.2025 | |
Dr.- Ing. Moritz Altner | A Methodology for Technical Change Management in Wire Harness Development Using the Model of SGE – System Generation Engineering | 17.12.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Bopp | A Contribution to Design and Integration of Vibroacoustic Metamaterials in Complex Components using the Example of Housing Structures | 29.11.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Dörr | Erfassung von Informationen zur Produktnutzung beim Schleifen mit Power-Tools auf Basis von Daten eines Sensormoduls | 19.06.2023 | |
Dr. -Ing. Thomas Klotz | |||
Dr.-Ing. David Landes | A Contribution for an Efficient and Early Stage Prognosis of the Influence of Sub-Systems of the Drive System and the Chassis on the Exterior Noise of Vehicles | 16.03.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing Andreas Lindenmann | Analyse der Schwingungseigenschaften des menschlichen Hand-Arm-Systems in translatorischer Richtung und deren Abbildung in einem einstellbaren physischen Hand-Arm-Modell | 06.03.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Zequn Nan | Validation Method for the Reversible Short-term Effects of Vibration on the Fuel Cell Performance in Fuel Cell Vehicles Based on In-situ Tests in the Context of the IPEK-X-in-the-Loop-Framework | 28.02.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Niever | Innovation Coaching to promote agility in processes of ASD - Agile Systems Design. | 06.04.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jonas Powelske | MBSE-supported methods for Structuring and Application of Modular Kits in the Early Stages of PGE – Product Generation Engineering of Mechatronic Control Units in Small Drives in the Automotive Sector | 23.02.2023 | |
Dr.- Ing. Florian Schuchter | Methoden des maschinellen Lernens in der Funktionsentwicklung von hybriden Fahrzeuggetrieben am Beispiel des Doppelkupplungsgetriebes | 11.12.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Florian Stammnitz | Structural Change in the Automotive Industry: Guideline for the Strategy Process in medium-sized Companies with a Methodology for asset-based Business Unit Development | 23.01.2025 | |
Dr.-Ing. Valentin Zimmermann | Methods of initial target system development to support the handling of market uncertainties in the development of plant fire protection in the model of PGE - product generation development. | 27.03.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Moritz Wäschle | Ein Beitrag zur durchgängigen und kontinuierlichen Validierung für die Funktionale Sicherheit von Vehicle-to-Infrastructure als System of Systems durch MBSE-Unterstützung auf Basis des IPEK-XiL-Ansatzes | 31.05.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Patric Grauberger | EnhanCE Modelling – method training for teaching and researching qualitative modelling with the Contact and Channel Approach | 28.03.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Asli Arslan-Hürst | Integration of engineering ceramic materials in the function-relevant effective area pair of a clutch | 26.01.2005 | |
Dr.-Ing. Arne Krüger | Clutch grabbings – causes, influences, countermeasures | 13.11.2003 | |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Stuffer | Prototype of a continuously variable transmission (CVT) for the potential calculation of engineering ceramic materials in lubricated friction systems | 13.07.2007 | |
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Zschocke | A contribution to assess objectively as well as subjectively the steering comfort of vehicles | 28.04.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ilzhoefer | Investigation to optimise helical compression springs | 21.05.2004 | |
Dr.-Ing. Carel Karrar | A contribution for developing, dimensioning and checking of dry-running clutches and brakes in powertrain systems in order to avoid friction oscillations | 25.05.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Christian Czermin | New material and lubricant concepts for radial plain bearings – experimental determination and application limits | 12.08.2000 | |
Dr.-Ing. Christian Schyr | Model-based methods for the validation phase in the product development process of mechatronic systems exemplified by the powertrain development | 21.02.2006 | |
Dr.-Ing. Ataulmunim Choudhry | Development of a method for investigating selfloosening of wheel bolts – a combined stressed, high-tensile multi-screw bolted joint | 27.11.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Herbst | Investigating the suitability of a new procedure to produce hydrogen using silicon for the use in vehicles | 16.05.2003 | |
Dr.-Ing. Dirk Schweinberger | A methodology to support the search and choice of partners for cooperative projects on product innovation | 15.07.2002 | |
Dr.-Ing. Gernot Spiegelberg | A contribution to increase the road safety and functionality of vehicles by incorporating the powertrain module MOTion X-ACT | 05.02.2002 | |
Dr.-Ing. Hubert Beitler | Investigation on temperature and heat dissipation behaviour of a dry single disc clutch | 17.10.2008 | |
Dr.-Ing. Hans-Georg Enkler | A computer-aided concept of mechanic parts with strongly dispersive supporting structures exemplified by primary shaping of heavy-duty micromechanical systems | 23.04.2010 | |
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Behrendt | Development of a system tribometer to show transient multi-axis stress collectives to analyse the friction and abrasion in mixed frictional areas in the context of wet-running wrapping-CVT | 29.05.2009 | |
Dr. mult. Hansjörg Maier | Analysis and optimisation methods for aggregate storage system to improve the driving comfort | 10.11.2006 | |
Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Frank | Development of complex mechatronic systems by example of a modular linear drive system | 16.12.2004 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jochen Bisinger | Design of the draft processes in the overall automotive research | 25.07.2001 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jochen Marz | Micro-specific product development process (µPEP) for tool-specific micro technologies | 25.04.2005 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jochen Oerding | A contribution for a better understanding of the model for the product development – structuring of systems of objectives using the Contact & Channel-Model (C&C-M) | 10.06.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Khalid Abu Snima | Characteristic values and performance limits of wet-running multidisc clutches during continuous slip operation | 06.10.2005 | |
Dr.-Ing. Michael Mitariu-Faller | Method and processes to develop friction systems with engineers ceramics exemplified by a dry-running vehicle clutch | 30.10.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Marc Albrecht | Modelling the comfort assessment through the customer’s perspective by example of the automatic start-up | 29.04.2005 | |
Dr.-Ing. Martin Augustin | Development of measuring, control and regulatory devices, for a tyre test rig to carry out real-life measuring procedures in real time | 20.07.2001 | |
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Nüssle | Determining tyre characteristics during real-life driving | 10.12.2002 | |
Dr.-Ing. Markos Troulis | Transmission behaviour of wheel suspension for passenger cars in the comfort-relevant frequency range. Simulation model, experimental investigations, and concepts for a test facility | 09.07.2002 | |
Dr.-Ing. Manfred Ohmer | A contribution to synthesis of technical systems on the basis of the Contact & Channel Model C&CM | 28.11.2008 | |
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Saak | Development of a concept and of a prototype for a computer-aided tool for the efficient employment of the problem solving methodology “SPALTEN” | 25.07.2006 | |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Meboldt | Holistic modelling of the product development process – from mental concepts to the workflow with handling of complex structures – as a contribution to the Integrated Product Engineering Model (iPeM) | 25.02.2008 | |
Dr.-Ing. Olaf Dauber | Elastohydrodynamic rolling friction in steel-ceramic-contacts Drauber was granted an award for his dissertation | 01.07.2001 | |
Dr.-Ing. Ottmar Müller | Development of system-based component optimisation to support integrated analysis methods in the product development process | 14.07.2005 | |
Dr.-Ing. Ralph Lux | Integral powertrain development through integration of simulation and test | 25.07.2000 | |
Dr.-Ing. Simon Dylla | Development of a method to objectify the subjectively perceived quality of switching gears with confirmation in vehicles with manual transmission | 16.12.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Stephan Köhne | Measurement of forces and movements of profiled tyres in the contact area on a drum test rig during real-life velocities | 07.02.2002 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sarawut Lerspalungsanti | A contribution to shaping the human perception of comfort and assessment of NVH-properties in the powertrain development on the basis of artificial neural networks | 01.02.2010 | |
Dr.-Ing. Serhan Ili | Open Innovation in the context of integrated product development strategies to enhance the R&D productivity | 09.01.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hauser | Concepts to validate geometrical properties of micro gears and micro gear tooth systems | 17.12.2007 | |
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Götze | The parallel powertrain transmission – a modified dual clutch transmission with improved recovery potential | 18.10.200 | |
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Alink | Significance, presentation and formulation of function for solving design problems when using the C&C approach | 03.12.2010 | |
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Deigendesch | Creativity in the product development and pattern as methodological tool | 08.12.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Vesselinov | Three-dimensional simulation of dynamic of roller bearings | 03.02.2003 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sven Brudniok | Methodological development of highly integrated mechatronic systems exemplified by a humanoid robot | 18.09.2007 | |
Dr.-Ing. Dieter Emmrich | Development of a FEM-based method to design reinforcing beads in the construction process for supporting structures under bending stress | 09.12.2004 | |
Dr.-Ing. Martin Fritz | Methodological development of model-based monitoring functions of mechatronic systems in automotive engineering by example of an electro-mechanic wheel brake actuator | 30.01.2004 | |
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Günther | Method to optimise of motor durability programmes as part of the validation processes on the basis of equally damaging substitution collectives exemplified by the AI-Si-cylinder head | 22.07.2010 | |
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys. Pascal Häussler | A new process to optimise the form of dynamically stressed components in mechanical without parameters, but on the basis of lifetime evaluations and hybrid multi-body systems | 25.11.2005 | |
Dr.-Ing. Pablo Leslabay | Optimisation based on robustness for mechanical systems with wide dispersion of relevant system and element sizes. | 05.11.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Metz | Development of a simulation-based method to support the design of heavy-duty Primary Shaping of Microsystems | 17.03.2008 | |
Dr.-Ing. Lukas Nowicki | Rough surfaces in lubricated tribocontacts | 01.07.2008 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jens Ottnad | Optimising the topology of mechanic parts in dynamic and regulated systems | 06.11.2009 | |
Dr.-Ing. Korkiat Sedchaicharn | A computer-aided method to determine the product architecture with integrated regard to function and design | 24.06.2010 | |
Dr.-Ing. Nicolas Heitger | Methodical support of the definition of initial system of objectives in automotive develepoment in the model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering | 30.04.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Reichert | An approach to investigate surface roughness influence on the running-in behaviour of mixed-lubricated sliding contacts using the finite element method | 16.08.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Uwe Reichert | Eine Methode zur Auswahl von Standgetrieben für Antriebsstränge von Elektrofahrzeugen mit Zentralantrieb | 19.12.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Helmut Scherer | Model-based methods for developing systems of objectives and the function-embodiment-relation to support the series development of modular kits exemplified by hybrid-drive train systems | 15.07.2016 | |
Dr.-Ing. Toan Nguyen | Optimising the variety of lubricants to enhance energy efficiency of hydrodynamic friction bearings using structure-borne noise analysis | 17.07.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schwarz | Integration of experiment data into the simulation to optimise technical systems on the basis of experiments, time efficiency and multiple objectives | 29.11.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Jäger | A study for validation in the product development by example of the development of a new investigation method for Squeeze Film Damper | 14.06.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Simon Klingler | A method for efficient and effective support of continuous validation in the context of PGE product generation development. | 30.01.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Christian Koch | Eine Methode zur optischen Messung der Federbewegung in Torsionsdämpfersystemen | 28.02.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Neven Majic | Development of an FEM-based method to production-based bead pattern designs for support structures under bending stress | 24.11.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Paul Martin | A method to objectify the target figure Energy Efficiency for the definition of a product profile in the context of Design to Energy Efficiency | 28.11.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Kfm. Kevin Matros | Development of hybrid drive systems on the basis of the pull-principle of validation and the IPEK-X-in-the-Loop-approach | 23.06.2016 | |
Dr.-Ing. Ludwig Maul | Network creativity – A person-orientated design and the integration of a community platform for innovative impulses | 23.06.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sandra Drechsler | Competency requirements of mechanical engineers with regard to directives, norms and standards for the exercise of their professional activities | 26.06.2016 | |
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Pinner | A contribution to the development of coupling systems for validation in the context of the X-in-the-Loop framework using the example of a switching robot | 24.07.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Carolin Sturm | |||
Dr.-Ing. Sven Revfi | |||
Dr.-Ing. Joshua Fahl | Product Portfolio-spanning Specifying of Product Functions within Sports Car Development in the Model of PGE Product Generation Engineering | 09.02.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Michael Uhl | Analyse des Einflusses von Querkräften beim Hammerbohren auf die Arbeitsproduktivität und die Schwingungseinwirkung auf den Menschen | 09.02.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Thibault Reuschlé | Multi-objective optimization of plug-in hybrid powertrains / Multizieloptimierung von plug-in Hybridantriebssträngen | 13.02.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Anne Ruckpaul | Synthesis-oriented analysis of technical systems in product development – a contribution to properly measure analytical processes during the design process using eye-tracking, for a better understanding of these processes | 26.06.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Christian Sander | A new process for the product development to optimise the topology of moving components with particular regard to the inertial force | 28.05.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Christian Stier | A contribution to the validation of drive systems with regard to fluctuations induced by the clutch or the motor | 11.03.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Tarak Turki | Significance of practical knowledge in the product development and approaches to evaluate and transfer it by example of student groups | 17.06.2014 | |
Dr. -Ing. Christian Sauter | A contribution to integrate wikis and social tagging in the product development | 02.02.2012 | |
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Wagner | Method-based development of an electric energy storage system to explore the potential of lightweight design as a contribution to Product Generation Engineering | 30.11.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Eike Wintergerst | Guideline for the deductive embodiment variation by determining the functional variables in the Product Generation Engineering | 03.06.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jan Berger | Betrachtung der Abbildung und des Einflusses von Restsystemen bei Zweimassenschwungrad-Komponentenuntersuchungen im Kontext des OPEK-X-in-the-Loop-Ansatzes | 24.06.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Braun | Model-based support of product development | 17.12.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Brezger | New methods to further develop hybrid drive trains to enhance energy efficiency | 17.10.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Viktoriia Butenko | |||
Dr.-Ing. Rui Cai | Methode zur objektivierten Komfortbeurteilung antriebsstranginduzierter Fahrzeugschwingungen am Fahrzeug-Rollenprüfstand | ||
Dr.-Ing. Martin Eisele | Entwicklungsbegleitende Validierungsumgebung für das Design von Kühlkonzepten in der frühen Phase der Batteriemodulentwicklung | 02.07.21 | |
Dr.-Ing. Florian Eppler | Development of Methods to Design a Robust Anti-Judder Control Using the Example of Vehicles Featuring a Dry Double Clutch | 25.07.2018 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jona Ebertz | Development of a high-voltage traction battery as a product generation 1 – Variation-induced validation and verification planning in the model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering | 15.09.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Horn | Entwicklungsmethode zur Mechatronisierung von bautechnisch bewerteten Befestigungsmitteln am Beispiel eines chemischen Befestigungsmittels zur Integration eines Verschiebungssensors | 18.11.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Kevin Hölz | Analyse und Modellierung der Zusammenhänge zwischen der Tragfähigkeit und den Gewindeparametern von Holzschrauben durch die Entwicklung von Analysetechniken | 22.11.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Nelius | Study of the confirmation bias during problem analysis in engineering design and evaluation of a methodical support | 29.09.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Martin Bochterle | Methodenbausteine für die empirische Modellierung des Verhaltens technischer Systeme im Rahmen der Produktentwicklung auf Basis linearer Regression | 25.04.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Frank Bremer | Derivation of Success Factors for Quantitative Modelling of Embodiment Function Relations in Embodiment Design - A Case Study on Involute Blades | 30.05.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Markus Döllken | Development and evaluation of the ACAP-analysis method for the process-based validation of textual and graphical design methods | 15.11.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Hünemeyer | Development of a Systematic Approach for the Foresighted and Data-driven Development of Display and Operating Concepts in the Early Phase in the Model of SGE - System Generation Engineering | 29.08.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Constantin Mandel | Entwicklung einer Model-Based Systems Engineering Methodik zur Unterstützung der Validierung im Produktentstehungsprozess | 17.05.2024 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jan-Michael Veith | Prädiktion der Belastungskenngrößen von Bauteilen eines Fahrzeugantriebstrangs in Kurzzeitfestigkeitstests auf der Basis von Referenzmessdaten | 01.04.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. Miriam Wilmsen | Approach for the development of target-process module sets for the instantiation and configuration of target-process suggestions in the automotive predevelopment | 01.04.2022 | |
Dr.-Ing. John Köber | A contribution to a more efficient validation of the application of dual clutch transmissions in the context of the IPEK-X-in-the-Loop approach | 27.06.2023 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jan Holoch | A topology optimization method for the synthesis of additively manufactured, stiffness-optimized product designs exemplified by SLM – Selective Laser Melting | 13.11.2024 | |
Dr. -Ing. Simon Kelemen | Potentials of the acoustic emission (AE) analysis to characterise dry-running friction systems | 02.07.2012 | |
Dr. -Ing.Thomas Kernstock | A contribution to the targeted reduction of the NVH phenomenon Gear Rattling during the complete vehicle development process exemplified by a dual clutch transmission | 03.05.2012 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jonas Kniel | Potentials of temperature distribution measurement for the analysis of dry-running friction systems based on new measurement technology | 18.12.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Armin Kurrle | End-to-end documentation of distributed target systems in product development by using semantic meta information using the example of Connected Car | 18.12.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Mangold | Erfassung heterogener passiver Anwendereigenschaften und deren Abbildung in einem einstellbaren Hand-Arm-Modell am Beispiel eines Impulsschraubers | 24.09.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Florian Marthaler | Future-Oriented Product Development – a Systematic Approach to Deriving Cross-Generational Systems of Objectives of Future Product Generations Through Strategic Foresight | 23.04.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Leif Marxen | A Framework for Design Support Development based on the integrated Product Engineering Model iPeM | 15.05.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Ben Meyer-Schwickerath | Preview during the product development process The Integrated Product Engineering Model (iPeM) as a reference for projections exemplified by the Scenario-Technique and strategic foresight | 13.10.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Narucha Tanaiutchawoot | Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung auf der Grundlage heuristischer Entscheidungen in der Produktentwicklung und im Innovationsmanagement | ||
Dr. -Ing. Patrick Maier | Development of a method to objectify the subject perception of vehicle oscillations caused by the powertrain | 19.10.2011 | |
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Merkel | Modelling of the temperature behaviour and experimental investigations of the influence of the friction lining geometry on the friction coefficient behaviour using the example of dry-running friction systems | 20.07.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Daniela Troll | Optimising of long-fire-reinforced structures while taking into account the dispersive properties and the robustness of the material | 30.11.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jochen Hauschild | Developing a new method to determine and verify the parameters for heat transfer in CFD simulations of dry clutch systems | 16.12.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Heinrich | Modelling of the driver behavior to determine the component load for automotive powertrains | 01.02.2016 | |
Dr.-Ing. Nikola Bursac | Model Based Systems Engineering to support modular development in the context of the early phase of product generation development Group: EMM | 01.04.2016 | |
Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Hessenauer | Different approaches to the methodical lightweight system design supported by the numeric topology optimisation through dynamic stress | 27.03.2014 | |
Dr.-Ing. Markus Walch | Variant development in the ZHO model in the context of PGE - Product generation development - Method for decision support during concept development in the offer phase based on derived variants | 24.07.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Hermann Sommer Obando | Reinforcement Learning Framework for the self-learning suppression of Clutch Judder in automotive Drive Trains | 26.04.2016 | |
Dr.-Ing Bastian Killer | KVP-cooperation in the vehicle development, assessment and successful implementation of OEM-intern improvements into other OEMs on the basis of Integrated Product Engineering Model (iPeM) | 07.05.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Hannes Schmalenbach | Ontologies to provide design knowledge exemplified by engineering ceramics | 27.07.2013 | |
Dr.-Ing. Florian Munker | An approach to user-orientated system modelling for the interdisciplinary product engineering process | 3.11.216 | |
Dr.-Ing. Natalie Peglow | Systematics for Evaluation of Variants in the Quotation Phase of Common-Rail Pumps of the Automotive Supplier Industry on the Basis on the Model of PGE - Product Generation Engineering | 31.03.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Pflieger | A methodical approach to modular design of powertrain components in the development process of hybrid vehicles | 16.04.2015 | |
Dr. -Ing. Markus Frietsch | A contribution to the efficient use of Reinforcement Learning to control non-linear systems exemplified by a twin-axle robot | 18.11.2011 | |
Dr.-Ing. Marco Lochmahr | Methode zur interdisziplinären Analyse und Optimierung von Hinterachssystemen im Spannungsfeld Fahrdynamik, Fahrkomfort und NVH am Beispiel der Raumlenkerachse und des Teilsystems Fahrschemellager im Kontext XiL | 13.06.2018 | |
Dr. -Ing. Peter Börsting | Construction barriers in the microsystems technology and ways to overcome them using the functions catalogue | 19.10.2012 | |
Dr.-Ing. Rene Germann | Ein Beitrag zur störgrößenreduzierten Erfassung und Beurteilung der Anwendungseignung im Kontext der nutzerzentrierten Produktentwicklung von Power-Tools | 18.07.2019 | |
Dr. -Ing. Sabine Muschik | Development of Systems of Objectives in Early Product Engineering | 25.05.2011 | |
Dr. -Ing. Thomas Schneider | Method to create problem solving models on the basis of the SPALTEN-process in complex development processes | 02.11.2012 | |
Dr.-Wirt. Ing. Nicolas Reiss | Approaches to increase the acceptance of methods in agile processes of PGE – Product Generation Engineering | 16.07.2018 | |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Raimann | Optimising the contact behaviour of electrical contacts in high power connectors | 15.03.2015 | |
Dr.-Ing. Simon Rapp | Contribution to empirically based planning, control and methodological support of variations on the basis of a reference system in the model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering | 14.04.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Jonas Reinemann | Development of an Approach for the Validation of Interactive Products in Augmented Reality Environments in the Early Phase in the Model of PGE – Product Generation Engineering | 16.12.2020 | |
Dr.-Ing. Fabian Schille | Methode zur generationsübergreifenden NVH-Optimierung des Wiederstartkomforts von Hybridfahrzeugen durch eine manöverbasierte Validierung auf dem Akustikrollenprüfstand | 24.07.2019 | |
Dr.-Ing. Martin Schottmüller | Ein Ansatz zur dynamischen Charakterisierung und Bewertung von nichtlinearen Schwingungssystemen anhand des Beispiels Fliehkraftpendel | 23.06.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Stegmiller | A Methodology for the Modeling of Robust Partial Objective Systems for Weight in the Automotive Industry | 20.01.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Thau | A contribution to analysing of technical systems with the C&C²-approach on the basis of development projects in the industrial environment | 25.06.2013 | |
Dr. -Ing. Thomas Maier | A contribution to create complex structurally dynamic simulation models and their validation using 3D Laser Vibrometry | 25.11.2011 | |
Dr. -Ing. Markus Dickerhof | Potentials of Acoustic Emission (AE) analysis to monitor and diagnose tribological systems | 25.03.2011 | |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wettstein | Analyse und Simulation tangential-schlagender Anziehprozesse Ein tribologisches Simulationsmodell zur Beschreibung von Schraubenanziehverfahren | 14.06.2021 | |
Dr.-Ing. Steven Yan | Vernetzte Validierungsumgebungen - Ein Beitrag zur Validierung im verteilten Produktentwicklungsumfeld auf Basis des IPEK-X-in-the-Loop-Ansatzes am Beispiel der Antriebssystementwicklung | ||
Dr.-Ing. Yin You | A study on the implementation of the IPEK-X-in-the-loop approach in distributed vehicle development using powertrain development as an example | 13.12.2017 | |
Dr.-Ing. Christian Zingel | Base definition for a common language in product development in the context of model design of technical systems and a modelling technique for a system of objectives | 18.10.2013 |