Measurement technology and more
Jäger ADwin-ProII for real-time simulation and real-time measurement data acquisition
AFT TORnadO - Overall system for torsional and torsional vibration analysis
High-speed data logger LMS Scadas Mobile 3x TOMS (Transportable Operational Measurement System) for the acquisition and monitoring of measurements at endurance tests 3D-coordinate measuring machine
3D laser scanning vibrometer
Non-contact and non-reactive detection of 3-dimensional vibrations of surfaces
3D vibration sensor (4x), 1D vibration sensor (4x), 3D acceleration sensor (1x)
Binaural dummy head (1x), binaural driver headset (1x), free field microphones (16x), near field microphones (10x)
3D sound intensity probe incl. position tracking
CCD video camera with very short exposure time
Laser Surface Velocimeter
Non-contact speed measurement on all rotating parts in the test bench
Portable universal sound measurement and analysis system
Thermal camera with very short exposure time
Shortwave infrared camera for non-contact temperature measurement
High speed thermal camera
High-resolution long-wave infrared camera for non-contact temperature measurement with up to 6000 fps
Portable capacitive pressure measuring foils for force measurement at the handle
6-axis force plate for measuring user forces
Dust sensor
Stationary and portable eye tracking systems
3D-scanner incl. surface recovery
In the area of simulation and design, a wide range of software can be used.
- FEM software (e. g. Ansys Workbench & CFX, Abaqus, MSC Patran, Altair HyperWorks)
- Software tools (e. g. MATLAB, Maple, MathCAD, Famos, Eclipse, Python)
- MKS software (e. g. MSC Adams, LMS Virtual. Lab. Motion)
- Measurement software (e. g. IMC Famos, LMS TestLab, Tornado)
- CAD software (e. g. Pro/Engineer Wildfire, CATIA, IDEAS)
- Optimization (e. g. TOSCA, Daktota, Optimus)
- 1D simulation (e. g. MATLAB/Simulink, LMS AMESim, Dymola, SimulationX)
- Vehicle simulation (e. g. AVL-VSM, IPG CarMaker)
- ...
Product engineering support
Many tools are also available to support the product development process.
PDM server, also for teaching purposes
Various moderation and presentation tools to promote creativity and support the development of ideas
Smart boards
Creativity lab with 3D smartboard and multi-touch functionality
FDM Prototyper and CAD-CAM model milling machine
2 laser cutters, one of them mobile
Manufacturing workshop
- CNC milling machine
- Universal lathes
- Universal milling
- Vacuum coating machine PVD