Modularization of powertrains for sustainable further use of vehicles in secondary and third markets
- Subject:Modularisierung von Antriebsträngen zur nachhaltigen Weiternutzung von Fahrzeugen in Zweit- und Drittmärkten
- Type:Bachelor-/Masterarbeit
- Date:30.06.2022
- Tutor:
M.Sc. Rüdiger Fehrenbacher
- Person in Charge:offen

Products disposed of prematurely place an unnecessary burden on the environment. The recycling of end-of-life vehicles is also presenting society with ever greater challenges. An increasing number of parts, materials and operating supplies are exacerbating the disposal effort with increasing complexity in maintenance and storage logistics. Due to these circumstances, vehicles imported from industrialized countries to developing countries often find it difficult to maintain regular operations. The result is premature shutdowns due to defects in systems that are not even necessary to fulfill the driving function. A remedy for this can be to take account of customer needs and constraints in secondary and third markets in early phases of vehicle development, without losing focus on the solvent first customer. A modular structure offers an attractive solution. Adaptations to different markets through which the vehicle passes can thus be made more easily and cost-effectively. As a result, the service life of the passenger car can be increased while reducing environmentally critical substances.
In your work, you describe a research gap in the field of modular construction of vehicles. The aim is to enable their adaptation to customer requirements and boundary conditions in different markets during their total service life. To this end, break down the state of research in the field of modular construction systems in vehicle production and expand on this using modular construction systems from other product areas.
- Studying in an engineering-related degree program
- Interest in vehicle systems engineering
- Creativity and initiative