Deep-dive into scientific status quo: Systematic literature review on CPS in Startups

  • Subject:Startups, CPS, Literaturrecherche
  • Type:Bachelor-/ Masterarbeit
  • Date:ab sofort
  • Tutor:

    Thomas Völk, M.Sc.

Enable Hardware in Startups: Start now!

Innovative organizations can come in different shapes: Startups are one of them. Research on Startups has been intenisve in the last years, but has almost exlusivly focused on software products. Bringing together entrepreneurship and hardware- and software-driven engineering brings up a huge innovation potential we want to support. Thats why I want to focus on engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in Startups.

What we want to do

In past research, we have validated the need for research on engineering of CPS and associated topics in startups. To focus on the most important problems to cover for startup working on CPS, a clear vision on known issues of startups working on CPS is needed. Therefore, a systematic literature review on CPS engineering in startups is needed.

What you would do

Your task is to conduct a systematic literature review on the most relevant problems regarding CPS engineering and other thematically close bodies of literature. Besides the literature review, a visualization and proposition of relevant problem fields should be provided.

Am I the right person?

If you have an background in engineering (e. g. Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, Industrial Engineering, …) and you are interested in understanding how startups work, you fullfill most of our requirements! You should have fun on researching new interesting topics and be willing to take a deep dive into product development theory.

Your benefits

  • Working on an interdisciplinary topic between mechanical, electrical, software and industrial engineering

  • Learning of scientific working

  • Intense 1:1 Coaching with an IPEK doctoral researcher

  • Connection to other students working on interdisciplinary engineering projects

  • Goal of publication of the work

Interested? Write a mail to thomas voelk does-not-exist.kit edu!