Inconsistent Engineering of CPS - Scenarios in the Product Development Practice

Enable Next-Level Engineering Practices!

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) hold enormous innovation potential but also present several challenges: Not only the often-lacking interoperability of the models used from the perspective of individual domains but also problems in interdisciplinary collaboration between software engineers, mechanical engineers, and electrical engineers cause delays and errors in the development of complex CPS.

What we want to do

Inconsistencies regularly occur in the engineering of CPS: In a previous study, we were already able to collect inconsistency situations from practice. These now need to be systematically examined. For this purpose, descriptive factors for inconsistency scenarios have been determined. Using a comprehensive catalog of scenarios, we want to investigate the situations found in practice for recurring patterns.

Your Task

Your task is to develop internally consistent scenarios based on the already described factors, each representing different development conditions. These scenarios should then be compared with the already identified inconsistency situations.

Am I suitable for this?

If you have a technical background (e.g., mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics, industrial engineering, ...) and are interested in the interdisciplinary development process of cyber-physical systems (CPS), you already meet most of the requirements! You should enjoy exploring new and interesting topics and be willing to delve into the theory of product development.

Your benefits

  • Working on an interdisciplinary topic between mechanical, electrical, software and industrial engineering

  • Learning of scientific working

  • Intense 1:1 Coaching with an IPEK doctoral researcher

  • Connection to other students working on interdisciplinary engineering projects

  • Goal of publication of the work

Interested? Write a mail to thomas.voelk∂!