Description, identification and structuring of user and customer scenarios for recyclable systems

Description, identification and structuring of user and customer scenarios for recyclable systems


Ensuring environmental sustainability and growth at the same time is being put to the test by resource scarcity and climate change. The so-called circular economy is seen as one solution. As part of the DFG-funded research project SFB 1574 - Circular Factory for the Perpetual Product, methods, processes and tools for circular product development are being researched. The aim is to utilise parts of products that have already been in use for new product generations and thus create added value without having to consume excessive new resources. In this context, it is important to understand in detail which scenarios a product will be exposed to at present and in the future in order to realise maximum value retention between product generations.

Your task:

The aim of the work is to develop a system for identifying user and customer scenarios using the example of an angle grinder. To do this, it is necessary to identify and structure the elements of the operational domain using methods such as expert surveys. Elements such as the environment (e.g. construction site for the example system ‘angle grinder’), the actual scenario (e.g. cutting screw connections on the example system ‘angle grinder’) and other elements (e.g. the screw itself with the corresponding material properties) are to be analysed. The following work packages are to be processed for this purpose:

  • Literature-based creation of an overview of current relevant methods for identifying user and customer scenarios
  • Recording and possible user and customer scenarios for the example product angle grinder through literature research, expert interviews, foresight methods and interactive data collection approaches
  • Development of a structuring or categorisation to identify user and customer scenarios using the example of an angle grinder
  • Structured and logically comprehensible documentation of all work steps and analyses

Your chances:

  • Insight into current cross-institute and DFG-funded research project ‘SFB - 1574 - Circular Factory’
  • Practice-orientated work combined with a conceptual approach
  • Opportunity to collaborate on a joint scientific publication
  • Learning a scientific way of working
  • Intensive supervision of the work

Your profile:

  • You are studying mechanical or industrial engineering, ideally with a focus on product development
  • Strong interest in systematically analysing user and customer scenarios
  • High level of initiative and results-orientation
  • Analytical mindset and structured way of working

Have we aroused your interest? Then get in touch: kristian.vlajic∂