Dr.-Ing. Markus Döllken
- Chief Engineer
- office hours: by appointment
- room: 707
CS 10.23 - phone: +49 721 608-48329
- fax: +49 721 608-46051
- markus doellken ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Department Manager
Mechatronic Machine Elements and System Reliability
Design Methods and
Human-Machine SystemsInitiator of the IPEK Lab - Design for Smart Factory
Markus Döllken
Field of Research
- Investigation of visual paths during the analysis of technical systems
- Investigation of visual paths in the synthesis of production-specific components
- Gaze-Aware Design Guidelines
- Investigation of gaze paths during the use of feedback
- Eye-tracking with the measurement of gaze entropy
- Cognitive Load
- Machine Learning in Assistance Systems
Research Focus
- Derivation of analysis methods for design engineers
- Derivation of synthesis methods for design engineers
- Development of a Gaze-Aware Feedback laboratory for engineering assistance
Bachelor- / Mastertheses
If you are interested in a B.Sc. / M.Sc. thesis or a literature review/research internship, please send me an email with your application and a grade transcript.
I always have open positions and do not post them all. If you are interested in the field of machine learning, assistance systems, eye-tracking, setting up experiments, data analysis of eye-tracking raw data, cognitive load etc., I am always looking for motivated students. Especially those who love to be creative and also like to take challenges.
Check out some interesting links here:
SpritzJet spin-off from an eye-tracking research; eye-tracking robot control; gaze eye-tracking control. -
I would like to set up an eye-tracking assistance/feedback lab with you.
Current bachelor- and master-theses can be found here.
- An overview of the publications can be found at ResearchGate
Peters, J.; Menning, J. D. M.; Ewert, A.; Prokopchuk, A.; Breimann, R.; Herbst, F.; Riehl, D.; Döllken, M.; Vorrath, E.-F. M.; Wallmersperger, T.; Schlecht, B.; Kirchner, E.; Kupnik, M.; Hofmann, K.; Matthiesen, S.
2025. Volume 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Phononics; Advanced Design and Information Technologies, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/IMECE2024-141505
Döllken, M.
2024, February 6. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000168108
Doellken, M.; Nelius, T.; Matthiesen, S.
2024. Journal of Engineering Design, 35 (4), 460–482. doi:10.1080/09544828.2024.2320018
Matthiesen, S.; Zimmerer, C.; Döllken, M.
2022. Konstruktion, 2022 (3), 53
Doellken, M.; Nixdorf, B.; Matthiesen, S.
2021, September 6. doi:10.5445/IR/1000137108
Krahe, C.; Kalaidov, M.; Doellken, M.; Gwosch, T.; Kuhnle, A.; Lanza, G.; Matthiesen, S.
2021. Procedia CIRP, 100, 397–402. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2021.05.093
Doellken, M.; Zapata, J.; Nelius, T.; Matthiesen, S.
2021. Procedia CIRP, 100, 415–420. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2021.05.097
Doellken, M.; Arndt, L.; Nelius, T.; Matthiesen, S.
2021. Procedia CIRP, 100, 720–725. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2021.05.090
Doellken, M.; Arndt, L.; Buehlmeier, J.; Matthiesen, S.
2020, December 9. doi:10.5445/IR/1000127148
Nelius, T.; Doellken, M.; Zimmerer, C.; Matthiesen, S.
2020. Design studies, 71, Article: 100963. doi:10.1016/j.destud.2020.100963
Doellken, M.; Zimmerer, C.; Matthiesen, S.
2020. Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 837–846. doi:10.1017/dsd.2020.302
Nelius, T.; Eisenmann, M.; Doellken, M.; Hergl, M.; Matthiesen, S.
2019. 2. Conference "Human Behaviour in Design", Tutzing, 23.-24. April 2019
Matthiesen, S.; Eisenmann, M.; Döllken, M.
2018. 29. DfX-Symposium 2018, Tutzing, 25.-26. September 2018. Hrsg.: D. Krause, 12