Quantitative Product Modelling for Functional Prediction

Quantitative Product Modelling for Functional Prediction

The Vision

In view of the global challenges in dealing with resources and sustainability, the world is at a decisive turning point. Traditional economic models based on the linear principle of "take, produce, use, dispose" are reaching their limits. The circular economy is a promising approach to overcoming these limits. The vision of the circular factory aims to refurbish used products in such a way that they are in no way inferior to linearly produced new products of the current generation.
An essential aspect of this vision is the forecast of functional fulfillment in the next product life cycle. The forecast serves as a basis for deciding how a used product should be processed in a circular way within the circular factory. The quantitative functional model links the relevant relationships between design and function in order to make a statement about the functional quality.

Your Contribution

The aim of the work is the evaluation of existing product models in the context of quantitative function modeling.


  1. Derivation of requirements:
    The framework conditions in the circular factory result in clear requirements for the structure of the quantitative functional model. These requirements must be collected and structured
  2. Systematic literature research:
    The quantitative functional model will be based on existing product models. For this reason, a systematic literature search must be carried out based on the derived requirements
  3. Evaluation of the product models:
    Potential product models must be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the quantitative functional model. This requires the definition of evaluation parameters in advance.

Your evaluation of the product models lays the foundation for forecasting the functional quality and thus also for controlling the closed-loop factory.