N. N.
- Sprechstunden: nach Vereinbarung
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Forschungsgruppe Entwicklungsmethodik und –management
Standort Hochhaus
Annika Bastian M. Sc.
- Zusammenarbeit in der standortverteilten Produktentwicklung
- Analyse von Verbesserungspotentialen in der Zusammenarbeit
- Kreativität in der Produktentwicklung
- Einfluss von Kultur auf die Kreativität
- Agile Entwicklungsprozesse und –Methoden in standortverteilten Produktentwicklungsteams
Bachelor- / Masterarbeiten
Aktuelle Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten finden sie hier.
Identification of requirements for the transfer of creativity techniques in virtual environments by using TRIZ-Box
Bastian, A.; Hirt, P.; Schwarz, S. E.; Fischer, M.; Düser, T.; Albers, A.
2024. Procedia CIRP, 128, 316–320. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2024.06.026
Bastian, A.; Hirt, P.; Schwarz, S. E.; Fischer, M.; Düser, T.; Albers, A.
2024. Procedia CIRP, 128, 316–320. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2024.06.026
Designing a method for improved (distributed) cultural understanding - the cultural dimensions thinking caps
Bastian, A.; Restrepo Cadavid, P.; Grau, R. M.; Albers, A.
2024. Proceedings of the Asia Design and Innovation Conference (ADIC), 5th-6th December 2024, Shanghai, 001–010, The Design Society
Bastian, A.; Restrepo Cadavid, P.; Grau, R. M.; Albers, A.
2024. Proceedings of the Asia Design and Innovation Conference (ADIC), 5th-6th December 2024, Shanghai, 001–010, The Design Society
Understanding the Cultural Influence on Creativity in Distributed Product Development
Bastian, A.; Kazmouz, N.; Albers, A.
2024. Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, Ed.: J. Malmqvist; M. Candi; R. J. Saemundsson; F. Bystrom, O. Isaksson, 31–40, The Design Society. doi:10.35199/NORDDESIGN2024.4
Bastian, A.; Kazmouz, N.; Albers, A.
2024. Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, Ed.: J. Malmqvist; M. Candi; R. J. Saemundsson; F. Bystrom, O. Isaksson, 31–40, The Design Society. doi:10.35199/NORDDESIGN2024.4
Immersive Paths for Digital Product Engineering: Evaluation of a Game-Based Virtual Gearbox Workshops in Mechanical Design Education
Grau, R. M.; Bastian, A.; Frank, N.; Volpp, T.; Dueser, T.
2024. Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, 831–840, The Design Society. doi:10.35199/NORDDESIGN2024.88
Grau, R. M.; Bastian, A.; Frank, N.; Volpp, T.; Dueser, T.
2024. Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, 831–840, The Design Society. doi:10.35199/NORDDESIGN2024.88
Breaking cultural barriers: an integrated methodology for challenge-driven co-creation projects
Bastian, A.; Kempf, C.; Rudolph, P.; Albers, A.
2024. Proceedings of the Design Society, 4, 885 – 894. doi:10.1017/pds.2024.91
Bastian, A.; Kempf, C.; Rudolph, P.; Albers, A.
2024. Proceedings of the Design Society, 4, 885 – 894. doi:10.1017/pds.2024.91
Stadtradeln: Mitmachen beim „KIT radelt“-Team!
Yass, A.; Bastian, A.; Knebel, J.; Kristof, K.; Mühl, B.; Ponzer, M.
2024. doi:10.5445/IR/1000171772
Yass, A.; Bastian, A.; Knebel, J.; Kristof, K.; Mühl, B.; Ponzer, M.
2024. doi:10.5445/IR/1000171772
Barriers to Creativity in Distributed Product Development
Bastian, A.; Kassem, Y.; Kempf, C.; Albers, A.
2023. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM Society International. doi:10.46254/AU02.20230059
Bastian, A.; Kassem, Y.; Kempf, C.; Albers, A.
2023. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM Society International. doi:10.46254/AU02.20230059
Success Factors and Barriers in Industry-Academia Collaborations - A Descriptive Model
Kempf, C.; Albers, A.; Hellwig, I.; Bastian, A.; Ritzer, K.
2024. Volume 2: Advanced Design and Information Technologies, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/IMECE2023-112574
Kempf, C.; Albers, A.; Hellwig, I.; Bastian, A.; Ritzer, K.
2024. Volume 2: Advanced Design and Information Technologies, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/IMECE2023-112574
Application of the Metaverse in Product Engineering – A Workshop for Identification of Potential Field of Action
Düser, T.; Fischer, M.; Schwarz, S. E.; Bastian, A.; Freyer, J.; Vlajic, K.; Eisenmann, M.; Matthiesen, S.; Albers, A.
2023. Metaverse – METAVERSE 2023 – 19th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2023, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 23–26, 2023, Proceedings. Ed.: S. He, J. Lai, L.-J. Zhang, 39 – 52, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-44754-9_4
Düser, T.; Fischer, M.; Schwarz, S. E.; Bastian, A.; Freyer, J.; Vlajic, K.; Eisenmann, M.; Matthiesen, S.; Albers, A.
2023. Metaverse – METAVERSE 2023 – 19th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2023, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 23–26, 2023, Proceedings. Ed.: S. He, J. Lai, L.-J. Zhang, 39 – 52, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-44754-9_4
Influencing factors on creativity in distributed teams — Systematic literature review
Bastian, A.; Wasserbäch, M.; Albers, A.
2023. International Journal of Innovation Management, 27 (5), 2340009. doi:10.1142/S1363919623400091
Bastian, A.; Wasserbäch, M.; Albers, A.
2023. International Journal of Innovation Management, 27 (5), 2340009. doi:10.1142/S1363919623400091
Influencing Factors on Creativity in Distributed Teams-Systematic Literature Review
Bastian, A.; Wasserbäch, M.; Albers, A.
2023. ISPIM 2023 – XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana, 04.-07.Juni 2023
Bastian, A.; Wasserbäch, M.; Albers, A.
2023. ISPIM 2023 – XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana, 04.-07.Juni 2023