Jonas Freyer, M. Sc.

Jonas Freyer, M. Sc.

Jonas Freyer M.Sc.


  • Entwicklung von Validierungsmethoden am Beispiel von Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

  • Schaffung eines Frameworks für die Credibilitybewertung physischer, virtueller und gemischter Validierungsmethoden

  • Nachhaltigkeit in der Validierung und Verifikation (V&V) durch den gezielten Einsatz virtueller Methoden

Bachelor- / Masterarbeiten

  • Aktuelle Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten finden sie hier.


Evaluation of a Vehicle-in-the-Loop Test Bench Setup - Insights into a Systematic Validation Configuration Evaluation Approach
Fischer, D.; Weber, Y.; Freyer, J.; Bause, K.; Düser, T.
2024. 2024 IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference (IAVVC), 22nd-23rd October 2024, Pittsburgh, PA, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IAVVC63304.2024.10786480
Conflict Detection in Automated Vehicle Testing Through Gamification
Jegarian, M.; Freyer, J.; Hamarneh, Q.; Klöck, L.; Schyr, A.; Schwammberger, M.; Düser, T.
2024. 2024 IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference (IAVVC), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 22-23 October 2024, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IAVVC63304.2024.10786398
Ensuring Consistency and Credibility in Cyber-Physical Systems Validation
Urbano, F. P.; Grycz, P.; Freyer, J.; Bause, K.; Bischofberger, A.; Düser, T.; Albers, A.
2024. International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference (DSM 2024)
A Study on the Paradigm Shift in the Validation of Automated Vehicles
Düser, T.; Fischer, D.; Freyer, J.
2023. 2023 IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference (IAVVC), Austin, TX, 16th-18th October 2023, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IAVVC57316.2023.10328076
Controlling Risk for Highly Automated Transportation Systems Operating in Complex Open Environments
Benedikt, M.; Böde, E.; Bossert, A.; Braband, J.; Brade, T.; Braun, N.; Braun, T.; Burton, S.; Dallmann, T.; Damm, W.; Düser, T.; Elster, L.; Fingscheidt, T.; Fistler, M.; Franek, M.; Fränzle, M.; Freyer, J.; Galbas, R.; Gansch, R.; Geyer, D.; Haas, L.; Haider, A.; Heidl, P.; Hein, M.; Heyl, A.; Hiller, J.; Hungar, H.; Hutter, D.; Jung, R.; Klein, C.; Krüger, J.; Kuhn, T.; Langner, J.; Maurer, M.; Mayr, K.; Meyer-Vitali, A.; Möhlmann, E.; Molin, A.; Möller, B.; Niehaus, J.; Nolte, B.; Nolte, M.; Otten, S.; Peleska, J.; Peters, S.; Poguntke, T.; Poprawa, F.; Reich, J.; Rosenberger, P.; Salem, N. F.; Schick, B.; Schneider, D.; Schneider, S.-A.; Schyr, C.; Thomas, C.; Trapp, M.; Wagner, F.; Wagener, N.; Woopen, T.; Zeh, T.
Design and Development of a Modular Motor-Gearbox-Unit for an Electric Light Vehicle
Freyer, J.; Kesten, J.
2023. Proceedings of the FISITA - Technology and Mobility Conference Europe 2023, Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Ingénieurs des Techniques de l’Automobile (FISITA). doi:10.46720/FWC2023-LVP-017
Application of the Metaverse in Product Engineering – A Workshop for Identification of Potential Field of Action
Düser, T.; Fischer, M.; Schwarz, S. E.; Bastian, A.; Freyer, J.; Vlajic, K.; Eisenmann, M.; Matthiesen, S.; Albers, A.
2023. Metaverse – METAVERSE 2023 – 19th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2023, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 23–26, 2023, Proceedings. Ed.: S. He, J. Lai, L.-J. Zhang, 39 – 52, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-44754-9_4
A study on the transformation of virtual validation methods in the development of new mobility solutions
Freyer, J.; Düser, T.
2023. 9th International Symposium on Transportation Data & Modelling (ISTDM2023), Ispra, June 19-22, 2023